Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Ugly-by Jared Ken C. Perez

You are so ugly;
Your feet’s too big,
Your breasts’ too small,
And your tummy’s like a ball;
You dress like you’re from mars,
You think it’s pretty but it’s not.
Your arms are too short,
But your nails are too long;
Your shoulders too broad,
And your neck’s too thin;
Your lips’ like a fish’s,
And your smile’s like a grin;
Your nose’s too flat,
Can’t see where it’s at;
Your eyes are like rocks,
And brows you have not.
Your zits are everywhere,
And on top of that,
Your hair’s like hay with bats;
You’re almost always grumpy,
And care nothing at all;
You eat too much,
And you’re getting fat;
You talk before you swallow,
Where are your manners in that?
You look down on people
Like you have the right to;
You think its hell everywhere,
And heaven’s in nowhere;
Hell, what’s the matter with you?
You say you love me,
Why would I love you?
Well love is not blind,
Dimwits contradict
Love sees the worst,
But it doesn’t mind;
Guess what,
Yes, I do love you…
So hate me.

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