Monday, June 6, 2011

in the line of duty...

You walk in lines...
always in  rush....
to gather meals...
each day of your lives...

Do you ever rest...
and play with zest...
or trick a friend a jest...
to  ease your mind at least!

 Day or night...
gloom or bright...
a food in sight...
you take with all your might!

You serve your queen..
you think serene...
but looks so mean...
even in her grin!

But go you must..
for that is just...
a duty they entrust...
you need to cast!


  1. I love the stories about your family...your family of artists and you carry on the tradition. What a beautiful and loving family and I love the way you honor them. (())

  2. Thank you family is my pride.You're an artist too as it shows in your blog.
