Saturday, May 21, 2011

my life

my family
our second son
our eldest and his fiancee 
our youngest
me and my husband as a young couple,our eldest then was only a few week old
me and my husband at present time
our home in a moonlit night
            This is my family whom I care so much,I have been married for 31 years now and blessed by a loving husband and three wonderful boys.I just feel I want to share my joys to you guys and show you how amazing life can be if we just hold on to what we believe in.Raising a family is real tough especially if you started as young as we were when we got married.I was barely 18 and my husband was only 19.We couldn't even feed ourselves much less raise children when we were children ourselves!
            But with the help of our parents and our own determination, we managed to build our own family and made our marriage last for more than three decades now.Many predicted we wouldn't make it,they said we were too young,we'll changed our minds and hearts for sure,but thank God,they're so wrong!As young as we were,we vowed never to give up on each other,much more on our three adorable boys.
            I wish couples who started young like us would see that they can make it too if they just had enough love and unwavering faith to finally achieve the life they dream of..


  1. tita! nice to see that you have a blog! i have one too, here sa blogspot din hihihi...keep on writing tita! i wish i could go back to it too..

    you're always an inspiration tita, love you!

  2. thanx sho,got do something to fill my time,hehehe..anyway just starting.miss our chats,see you you too!!!!
