Monday, May 23, 2011

my faith,my wish

            Should I dream again?I wonder?I myself wrote in this same blog not to stop dreaming.What more should I ask...I have a family of my own I'm sure every woman like me prays for,three amazing children and a loving responsible husband.Maybe these are more than enough blessings I could ever ask for.But life is a never ending quest,you still wish for something you don't even have an idea whatever it is.I may sound ungrateful but I feel I still have to grow as a person.God would want that,He wouldn't like me to be stagnant,He gave me wisdom and talent to use it and be an inspiration to others.
          So to dream I will!I wish I would be someone who can inspire a lot of people from different walks of life.Rich,needy,sick or even to people who are miserable they could hardly smile.In my own simple way,I would love to see them smile again,hope again and be the person God wants them to be.If only I have the means to go to them and talk them out of their miseries maybe,just maybe I could help.
           When my eldest son was still a baby,He got so sick the doctor told us his chance to survive was nil,my husband and I was so scared.But my faith in God was strong.That night I went to the hospital chapel and prayed fervently to God,asking him to spare my son's life,and make my son a living testimony of His great love for us.I begged Him to show the doctor he was wrong,please God I asked,let Jayjay's fever go so tomorrow when the doctor comes to take him to the OR he'll know that my faith in you healed my son.The moment I uttered those words I felt God's presence,I knew my son was well at that instant.After thanking God I went back to our hospital room,lay beside my sleeping son and slept soundly.
            The following morning to the doctor's surprise my son was well,that same day we went home after staying in the hospital for weeks of batteries of tests.Some would think it was just coincidental but I say,it was a miracle!God's promise for us is real,we only have to claim for it
             My second son when he was only a few weeks old was diagnosed of having  hernia,we were advised for an immediate operation.Before going to the hospital I took my son first to our church and asked our pastor to pray with me so he won't need an operation.When the referred doctor asked me what was wrong with my son I didn't tell him about the hernia thing,while he was busy checking up on my son I was also busy talking to God asking him to remove the hernia Himself so he won't need an operation.For the second time my prayers were answered cause the doctor finally said...ohhh..this is not hernia,this is hydrocele,and will just go away after a month or so.Going home with my son after the check up was the most jubilant walk of my life.
              My youngest was a bit more serious than my two elder sons,he was diagnosed when he was six years old of a heart ailment called enlargement of the heart,right ventricle.I couldn't even understand it at that time.So we had to go to Manila and see a pediatric cardiologist,once again while we were at the waiting room I was asking God to show His love and promises for us.True to His word,the specialist assured me that my son had only a slightly weak heart but will surely overgrow it.No operation just a little extra care for him.Surely God's love never ceases to amaze me!
            If only we believe in God's promises and accept Him as our savior,nothing in this world we couldn't endure.With Him beside us life will be more meaningful and eternal joy will come to us.


  1. You ARE a testimony to His love and power...and you may never know how many people you will help and touch along the way. Just know that you do and continue being a blessing. That is always my prayer, let me be a blessing to someone today !

  2. Thanks so much for your nice and inspiring words.
