Tuesday, May 24, 2011

meet the real me

            Funny,stupid me,that's who I am!Three months ago,my knowledge about computers,laptops not to mention internet was ZERO!As in I knew nothing!I didn't even dare touched or dusted my son's computer,for fear I might change anything or break it.I even tiptoed around it cause if something went wrong with his computer I might be blamed again.
           Last March I decided I wanted to learn and was curious about the net,besides I was always by myself and nothing much to do to while away my time.I sat down in front of my hand me down laptop(my son's)and self studied. To my amazement I got it and it was fast!How happy I was with my new hobby I lost track of time lately.I met my long lost friends and relatives but most wonderful of it all,I can write again.As days passed I wanted to level up,Sho and Shaw my nieces,together with Vanessa a friend of my sons,encouraged me to put up a blog."THE BLOG"!So blog I did!It's more exciting for me!I got a different high I didn't realize I was at my laptop till the wee hours of the morning.
           Then it happened!Oh my God!something was wrong with my blog!I couldn't access my account!I tried and tried for almost three hours but nothing happened!I lost my blog!I panicked and called my youngest son who was in the middle of his exam.He said "Ma,I'm having an exam right now,please don't bother me ok?"I had to find my blog back no matter what,so I called Sho and asked for help,gratefully after just a few minutes or so she found it.Wheeew!What a day!
Then suddenly I remembered my eldest was on the phone!I forgot all about him!And then I saw his text saying"ok ma,I'll take care,love you ma"Oh!He was asking for my blessing before boarding a flight somewhere.I forgot I was talking to him on the phone,just because I couldn't find my precious blog!


  1. hahaha! this is what happens when we panic, i am known by my friends as "panikada" too. basta tita, if you have questions with "net education" just give me a buzz and i'll do what i can to help. :)

  2. i know sho,you're just a buzz away!hahahaha!thanx so much!see ya!
