Tuesday, May 31, 2011

BEAUTY & GRACE'by Graciela Floravez Grageda-my beautiful aunt

beauty in a bud
Beauty a word most taken for granted,
an eternal cure,almost forgotten,
a blissful feeling we all wanted,

Beauty in every flower,a butterfly,
a song of a humming bird,

There is beauty in greatness and even the smallest thing,
as simple as a breath of fresh air,
for there is beauty in everything,

There is beauty in every smile,
 BEAUTY QUEEN in her youth...
a laughter thrown in abandon,
pure honesty of a child,

There is beauty in every mother's pain,
unconditional love for her child,

Chaos and confusion but pass away,
Beauty,a gift of our Eternal Being,stays,

Beauty is in every bud,
kissed by a fresh morning dew,

There is beauty in every twilight
twinkle of stars,sparkle of fireflies,

Beauty is in every imperfection,
beauty is in every creation,

It can kindle even the darkest room,
a violet in every vast gray meadow,

Beauty must be nurtured and cultivated,
for it is inherent in each and everyone,
and in all things created,
it is beauty that gives grace to our hearts,

Beauty and Grace,immortalized.....
beauty never ages...
in memories,cherished and preserved.....

1 comment:

  1. Auntie Baby dedicates her poem to his only son Francis Brent Grageda,her beloved mom,our grandmother,Esther Angelica,our uncle Lupo,,my mom Myrna,my aunt Minda,to us her nieces and nephews,and to the Grageda families...
    In behalf of our family....thank you Auntie baby...for your love and affection.You are forever in our hearts.We love you so dearly...
